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Three temples were built here in 1883, San Luis, in El Calvario, San Bartolomé, in La Corujera ; and San Clemente, in Malpaís.

Its population is much dispersed and is one that has grown the most in recent decades. Several urbanizations have been established as well as residential areas such as La Quinta and La Quinta Roja.

It was in this municipality that in the twenties, banana plantations began to be developed by the establishment of the Fyffes House and the opening of galleries that supply the necessary water for its cultivation.

Places of Historical Interest

Historical quarters

San Luis House

El Calvario

First half of the XVII century

Temple of San Bartolomé . La Corujera

Temple of San Clemente

Finished in the year 1683

Temple of San Luis

Year of 1680

Temple of San Salvador. La Corujera

Los Lavaderos

Located in the Willow Tree Canyon (Barranco de los Sauces), in the Santa Ursula highlands.

Captain’s House. La Vera

XVII Century

Bencomo’s Cave

San Clemente Farmstead

Church of Santa Ursula

Moresque roofing, baroque altarpiece from the XVIII century. Images of Our Lady of Rosario, Santa Rita, San Sebastián, Christ of Mercy, of Santa Ursula dating back to the XVII century and a Nazarene from the XVIII century.


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